Theoretical and practical content
Theoretical approach to the Clicker-training method
1st half day
What is Clicker-training, why does it work?
Clicker-training learning theories,
Clicker training from the dog's point of view,
The different positive techniques to get the dog to understand what we want from him,
Understand the interest of the different values of primary and secondary reinforcements,
The rules of Clicker-training,
Understanding the proposals,
The importance of timing,
Placement of verbal and gestural orders or cues.
Practical approach to the Clicker-training method
2nd and 3rd days
Initiating dogs to clicker training,
Building motivation to work on clicker training,
Using the lure in clicker training,
Practical exercises,
Put yourself in your dog's shoes and get him to suggest,
Setting up verbal and gestural cues: knowing how to select them, identifying those that the dog has selected, knowing how to place them.
Respond to the problem that each dog present poses to us,
Excitement and barking,
Motivation and concentration.
For whom?
Open to dog owners, professionals and professionals-in-the-making; to anyone wishing to explore their dog's cognitive abilities and to anyone wishing to start using the positive technique of Clicker-training on a solid foundation.
Open to all dogs from 4 months; not suitable for dogs with major behavioral problems (aggression, phobia, etc.).
Additional information
The referent trainers
Catherine Collignon and Nicolas Ducasse
Animal Center - Aurimont, Gers (32)
October 12 and 13, 2024
2 days - Number of hours: 14h
9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Amount in self-financing
300 €
Amount with request for support
350 €
Request for quote or internship agreement
Online registration
30% as a reservation: €90
Limited participation
10 participants - 1 dog/participant
Meals and accommodation
Not included
Camping pitch 15€/person/night
Coming with a dog
Theoretical and practical training
Review of the fundamentals of the clicker-training method
1st half day
Re-appropriation of the fundamentals and notions of the Clicker-training method seen in the previous module (level 1)
Practical and theoretical approach to positive shaping techniques and target targets through the clicker-training method
1ère et 2ème journées
Techniques positives du façonnage (ou shaping) et des targets cibles
Les règles du façonnage pour les chiens débutants et les chiens confirmés
Comment les chiens augmentent les critères ?
Comprendre l'importance des propositions dans ces deux techniques,
Augmenter son timing,
Rendre le chien performant et créatif au non-click,
Résoudre les problèmes de baisse de motivation, d'absence de propositions, d'excitabilité ou de manque de concentration,
Exercices avec les différents targets et cibles.
For whom?
Open to dog owners, professionals and future professionals who have completed the Level 1 Initiation course in Clicker training and are able to suggest behaviors to trigger the clicker.
Open to all dogs from 4 months; not suitable for dogs with major behavioral problems (aggression, phobia, etc.).
Additional information
The reference trainers
Catherine Collignon and Nicolas Ducasse
Centre Animalin - Aurimont, Gers (32)
08 et 09 mars 2025
2 jours - Nombre d'heures : 14h
9h30 - 17h30
Montant en auto-financement
300 €
Amount with request for support
350 €
Request for quote or internship agreement
Online registration
30% as a reservation: €90
Limited participation
10 participants - 1 dog/participant
Meals and accommodation
Not included
Camping pitch 15€/person/night
Venir avec un chien
Theoretical and practical content
Theoretical approach to the
walking on a leash
1st day
The origin of the thinking around leash walking and the dog that pulls on the leash: why some recommended techniques do not work or only work on 6 out of 10 dogs? How does a dog learn to pull on a daily basis? What is a reward from the dog's point of view?
The laws of learning applied to everyday life
Understanding that from both a human and a dog perspective, the social behavior of following is inherent to both the human and canine species.
Practical approach to the
walking on a leash
2nd and 3rd days
Understanding the verbal or gestural cues that the dog will rely on and implementing these cues to acquire symbiosis with walking on a leash without pulling
Clicker training exercises to optimize learning to walk on a leash in educational rehabilitation, stimulate and reinforce positively at the right time and master negative reinforcement to optimize learning of statics and use of social and taste rewards.
Practice walking on a leash, on dogs and humans present, and space management: practice of capture, exercises in social movement, awareness of anchoring, navigation between dogs present and mastery of social invitation to follow.
For whom?
Open to all dogs from 4 months old. To all people wishing to go further in the discovery of what dogs learn on a daily basis; wanting to start on a solid foundation learning to walk on a leash or re-educate their dog that pulls on the leash. Not suitable for dogs with major behavioral problems (aggression, phobia, etc.).
Additional information
The reference trainers
Catherine Collignon and Nicolas Ducasse
Animal Center - Aurimont, Gers (32)
October 26 and 27, 2024
2 days - Number of hours: 14h
9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Amount in self-financing
300 €
Amount with request for support
350 €
Request for quote or internship agreement
Online registration
30% à titre de réservation : 90€
Limited participation
10 participants - 1 dog/participant
Repas et hébergements
Not included
Camping pitch 15€/person/night
Coming with a dog