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July 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, 2025

Animal Center, Gers (32)

An introspective stay to discover our feelings, to share emotions and reflections.

Doggy Relax and its team of trainers and assistants will help you realize that your actions and reactions have a direct impact on your dogs' behavior. The goal of this stay is to optimize your dog's educational cooperation, socialization and familiarization.

The origin of
this camp

During the SPA shelter training, Catherine and Nicolas realized that shelter dogs have that something that others don't have; but what did they have more despite the sometimes very difficult "detention" conditions. Their observations and questions then led them to think that these dogs were not obliged to behave well, and that the people who interacted with them did not feel responsible for their good or bad behavior; thus removing from these dogs the emotional layer originating in the "fear of" that every owner cannot help but express to his dog.

These shelter dogs then pushed us to redefine what we meant by "good pet owner"...

BOnnie de la team Animalin

Chiens du refuge de Los Mejores Amigos, Espagne


Relationship &

Catherine Collignon &
Nicolas Ducasse

Tous les matins, de 10h à 13h30, vous alternerez avec votre chien des exercices penser pour eux pour optimiser la qualité de vos interactions ; à travers des moments de détente et de relaxation méditatives quelque fois en musique en compagnie de votre chien. Nous réfléchirons ensemble sur la qualité de nos émotions et de votre respiration pour induire une détente musculaire afin de guider les interactions vers une synchronisation entre vous et votre chien, et augmenter spontanément son niveau de coopération et de communication.

Flower elixirs

Atelier de l'après-midi

During the workshop on the first afternoon of this camp, Catherine Collignon, a certified Bach flower advisor since 2005, will define, with you and your dog, the support of the virtues of flower elixirs to alleviate physical, mental and emotional imbalances.


Yoga & Sophrology

Joëlle Dapp

Two afternoon workshops will be dedicated respectively to the practice of yoga and sophrology, for humans. Sama Yoga teacher, energy practitioner and sophrologist, Joëlle will guide you in order to promote learning the present moment through listening and sensitivity, without analysis or judgment. These practices invite relaxation, muscle relaxation and conscious breathing in order to rediscover your body schema for application in your daily life and in your interactions with your dog.

Pilates & Postural

Marie Ducasse

Led by Marie Ducasse, a professional sports coach, this workshop for humans is inspired by the body approaches of yoga and pilates, a gentle form of gymnastics that combines deep breathing, coordination, concentration and balance. Marie will work to make you aware of your anchoring for better management of your dog's spontaneous behaviors.

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Sharing &

On the last day, the afternoon workshop invites us all to come together for one last moment between human and dog. We will close the Doggy Relax around 4pm.

This camp is open to all people wishing to optimize their relationship, improve their communication, emotional management and daily posture, guaranteeing to increase the bond with their dog; and to all dogs from 4 months old, without major behavioral problems.

Our team of professionals

Catherine Collignon and her dog Blaike

Catherine Collignon

Specialized educator in behavioral rehabilitation Author of several books

Additional information

Nicolas Ducasse et son chien Démon

Nicolas Ducasse

State-certified educator specializing in research, former military dog handler

The referent trainers and assistants

Catherine Collignon, Nicolas Ducasse, Marie Ducasse and Joëlle Dapp


Centre Animalin - Aurimont, Gers (32)


From July 14 to 18, 2025


5 days


Welcome on July 13 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Workshops: from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Total amount (payment in several installments possible)

650 €

Online registration

30% as a reservation: €195

Limited participation

10 participant.e.s - 1 chien /participant.e

Repas et hébergements

Meals included, vegetarian only

Camping pitch 15€/person/night


Coming with a dog


Gosset Virginie and Tatoo (Friday, July 21, 2023 9:22 PM)

Thank you all!
I see and feel the change of this internship in me and with my dog. A big thank you for the kindness, the attention and the finesse of analysis.

Votre avis nous intéresse

Merci d'avoir partagé votre avis avec nous.

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