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“Calming signals, the basics of canine communication” by Turid Rugaas

In this book, Turid Rugaas offers us an invaluable gift on canine communication that helps us, masters, educators or competitors, to stay in tune with our dog.

You will learn how to identify stressful situations for your dog, retrain a dog that has lost its ability to interact socially, become a subtle observer of your dog's behavior in order to obtain better behavior and build a better relationship with him.

With this book, you will be able to learn to recognize these communication signals, called appeasement signals, and to use them yourself to interact with your dog or the dogs of other owners.

Original title: Calming Signals – On Talking Terms With Dogs

Translation: Sandrine Delattre, Alain Cadieu

Preface: Catherine Collignon

ISBN: 978-2-9528095-3-5 - Editions du Génie canin

2010 - 88 pages - 16 euros - 14x21 cm - Color photos

The Signals of Appeasement, Turid Rugaas

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  • Norwegian educator and behaviorist Turid Rugaas has spent much of her life with animals. Originally a racehorse trainer, she always knew instinctively that gentle methods were most effective, and she has worked in this way with every animal that has come her way.

  • 1. Calming Signals: A Life Insurance Policy
    2. Calming signals: how to identify and use them
    3. Some case studies
    4. The stressed dog
    5. Use of calming signals for training and handling
    6. What happens when a dog loses its language?
    7. When do puppies start using calming signals?
    8. Parenting and dominance
    9. Your choice

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