Dog Behavior and Training, 12 authors
12 authors (veterinarians, scientists, dog trainers) have been brought together to offer you a complete work on the education and behavior of pet dogs. A reference book.
Catherine Collignon (from the Animalin team) offers 110 pages on dog education and behavior.Audience: Interns in animal training, dog breeders and trainers, animal technicians, students in veterinary schools, etc.
Educagri Editions
2007 - 455 pages - 30.40 euros
Dog Behavior and Training, 12 authors
The three main authors of the book Dog Behavior and Education are:
- Monique Bourdin (behavioral veterinarian),
- Catherine Collignon (specialist educator in behavioral rehabilitation),
- Bertrand Deputte (ethologist).
Catherine Collignon has notably developed learning from the dog's point of view, the laws of learning, home education, behavioral reeducation, etc.
This work covers in its different parts:
• the biology of dog behavior,
• dog breeds from the perspective of genetic history and behavioral trends,
• good treatment and behavior in canine communities,
• the influence of breeding conditions on the balance of the puppy's behavior,
• veterinary medicine of dog behavior,
• the dog’s modes of communication,
• aggressive behavior,
• the old dog,
• behavioral development disorders,
• molecules used in cases of disorders,
• the education and re-education of the dog,
• puppy school,
• communication techniques with the owner,
• etc.