Taking care of your animal with Bach flowers and other floral elixirs, Dr Béatrice Navarre-Colin and Gaëlle Bertruc
Animals feel emotions like us, such as joy, sadness, fear... With a complementary veterinary/behavioral perspective, this practical guide covers more than 70 symptoms (aggression, depression, illness, stress, etc.) and guides you, thanks to numerous cases and illustrated practical sheets, to create your own remedies adapted to the needs of your animal.
Eyrolles Editions
2017 - 216 pages - 14.90 euros - Dim.: 150 x 210 mm
ISBN: 9782212569315
Taking care of your pet with Bach flowers and other flower elixirs
How to create natural remedies to rebalance your pet's emotional state?
Based on the study of more than 70 symptoms of aggression, stress, depression and other illnesses, the authors ( Dr Béatrice Navarre-Colin , veterinarian and certified Bach Flower advisor; Gaëlle Bertruc , behaviorist, sophrologist and certified Bach Flower advisor) share their experiences of Bach Flowers with animals.
By acting on emotional states, the flower elixirs developed by Dr. Bach offer a natural and respectful method of care. Thus, they will allow an animal that is afraid to rebalance its state and find its own resources to feel safe in a lasting way.
- Prefaces by Drs Jacqueline Pecker and Pascale Millier
- The plant-animal-human relationship
- Emotions and well-being in animals
Chapter 1 - History of flower therapy
- The precursors
- Dr. Bach's Discoveries
- Research from the 1970s to the present day
Chapter 2 - Instructions for use of flower elixirs
- The steps of preparing a flower elixir
- How to use flower essences
- The emergency remedy
Chapter 3 - Bach Flowers
- Undescribed Bach Flowers
Chapter 4 - Contemporary elixirs
Chapter 5 - Directions from A to Z
Chapter 6 - Build your emergency kit
Chapter 7 - Practical cases